We want to invite you to our first LIVE #100kMasks Challenge Community Check-in, hosted by Ashanti Branch M.Ed., Creator of the Ever Forward Club.  

When: Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 1:00-2:30 PM PST
Where: Ever Forward ZOOM Channel Please find the link below.


We want to open a brave space for our community to come together, take a breath, have some fun, and reflect. We will also be sharing more information on how to use the #100kMasks digital resource with your students or the community that you serve. 

This time together is especially for YOU and all the #100kMasks Community 

We launched the #100kMasks Challenge in October 2017 and have collected over 44,500 masks from 16 countries. We could not have done this without the dozens of educators from around the world coming together to put students first.  If you know of someone else that would be interested in joining the #100kMasks Community, we will be providing information during the call about an open Community meeting on 4/21/2020
